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【Novel Coronavirus】A Letter to International Students in HMU

发布时间:2020-02-18   浏览次数:0


    根据纸飞机中文版app软件下载 最新延期返校的通知,请全体国际学生务必不要提前返校,返校时间将另行通知。

    Dear all,

    According to the latest notice of extension of return to school, all international students are requested not to return to school in advance, and the return time will be notified separately.


    一. 常见问题  Q&A on coronaviruses

    1、什么是新型冠状病毒? What is novel coronavirus?


    A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.


    2、人感染了冠状病毒后有哪些症状?What are the symptoms of someone who infected with a coronavirus?


    It depends on the virus, but common signs include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. 


    3、如何做好自我防护What can I do to protect myself?


     Standard recommendations to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses include maintaining basic hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices  and avoiding close contact, when possible, with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.



    二、外出旅行外籍师生 For International Teachers and Students Who Are Travelling:


    Foreign teachers and students who are returning from travel must first be quarantined in their dormitory;


    2、 如有旅游时经过疫区或与来自疫区人员有密切接触者,应立即联系项目老师或辅导员并送往校内隔离区;

    If it is discovered that they have been to infected areas or have had close contact with people from the infected areas, they must be immediately sent to the on-campus quarantine area and coordinators or counselors must be informed ASAP;


    三、 在石外籍师生:International Teachers and Students Who Are in Shijiazhuang:


    Don't panic!! Have faith in the effectiveness of China’s infection prevention measures and the quality of it’s medical providers,do not arbitrarily leave campus,their is higher risk of contracting disease in public spaces;



    Regarding foreign teachers and students living off campus, ensure open channels of communication, and remind them to take measures according to the situation to keep their homes safe.


    四、任何人如发现有体温异常者,第一时间报告项目老师或辅导员,同时联系纸飞机中文版app软件下载 医疗保障组送医院进行检查。

    If anyone is found with an abnormal temperature, first report the situation to the coordinators or counselors and immediately contact the campus medical protective services to send the person in question to the hospital for further examination.

